Nucleic acid extraction

PurePlasmid Mini Kit

EndoFree Plasmid Mini Kit

GoldHi EndoFree Plasmid Midi Kit

GoldHi EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit

DNA Clean-up Kit

Gel Extraction Kit

Universal Genomic DNA Kit

Blood Genomic DNA Mini Kit (0.1-1mL)


CWhipro Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit

RNApure Tissue&Cell Kit(DNase I)

Proteinase K

Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit

Viral DNA/RNA Kit(Column)

Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit


DNase I (RNase Free)

Quick DNA Extraction Kit

RNApure FFPE Kit

miRNA Purification Kit

Magbead Blood DNA Kit

Viral DNA/RNA Kit

Magbead Free-Circulating DNA Kit

Magbead Stool DNA Kit

NuClean FFPE DNA kit

Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit


EndoFree Plasmid Midi Kit

Magbead Pathogenic Microbiome DNA/RNA Kit 

GoldVac EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit

Magbead Stool DNA Midi Kit (24 Auto Plate)

Magbead Blood Spots DNA Kit

NuClean Magbead FFPE DNA Kit


Samples Preprocessing Kit for Methylation Test

SuperPlasmid Mini Kit

NuClean Plant Genomic DNA Kit

Ultrapure RNA Kit (DNase I)

Swab Genomic DNA Kit

Viral DNA/RNA Kit V2

Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit

Ultrapure RNA Kit

AllPure DNA/RNA/Protein Kit

Soil And Stool DNA Kit

OminiPlant RNA Kit (DNase I)

Saliva DNA Kit

TRIzon Pal™

Stool Genomic DNA kit

GoldHi Plasmid Mini Kit

Magbead Free-Circulating DNA Maxi Kit

QuickPure Plasmid Mini Kit

RNase and DNA Remover

Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit (Auto Plate)

Magbead Micro Sample DNA Kit

GoldHi EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit (Plus)

RNApure Circulating Reagent

Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit (Auto Plate)

TRIzon Reagent

CWE960 Blood DNA Kit (Auto Plate)