Ultrapure RNA Kit (DNase I)

This kit is based on TRIzon improved column total RNA extraction kit. This product can extract total RNA from animal tissues, plant materials, various microorganisms and cultured cells. Firstly, the lysis solution fully lyses and homogenizes the sample, in the unique high salt state, RNA specifically binds to the silica matrix membrane, which reduces the protein contamination to a great extent and removes organic solvent contamination effectively. The RNA obtained is of better purity and quality. This product can quickly extract total RNA from various cells or tissues, each time can handle 30-50 mg of tissue or 5×106 cells, and can handle several different samples at the same time.

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Storage condition: DNase I and 10× Reaction Buffer are stored at -20, TRIzon PaI  and Trizon Reagent are kept away from light at 2-8, other components are stored at room temperature (15-30).

Days of preservation: 12 months.
Transport conditions: RT.
Application: The RNA extracted by this kit can be directly used in RT-PCR, Northern Blot, Dot Blot, in vitro translation and other experiments.

Catalog number Specifications
CW0597S 50 preps

Nucleic Acid Release Reagent

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