
Lysozyme is an enzyme that destroys bacterial cell walls and improves the efficiency of protein or nucleic acid extraction. By hydrolyzing the β-1,4 glycosidic bond between n-acetyl-muricylic acid and n-acetyl-glucosamine in cell wall, the insoluble mucopolysaccharide is decomposed into soluble glycopeptides, and the contents of the broken cell wall are induced to escape and dissolve bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria (G+) are very sensitive to lysozyme because of their high content of peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Conversely, Gram-negative bacteria (G-) are less sensitive. When EDTA is contained in the system, Ca2+ in the bacterial outer membrane can be chelated and G- sensitivity can be improved. In addition, when lysozyme is used to crack Escherichia coli, the efficiency can be improved significantly when nuclease such as DNase Ⅰ is added.

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Storage condition: -20.
Days of preservation: 730 days.
Transport conditions: <10.
Application: This product is suitable for bacterial cell wall degradation, protoplasmic preparation, bacteriolysis, sample preparation before nucleic acid separation and pharmacological research.
Catalog number Specifications
CW0887S 100 mg

Nucleic Acid Release Reagent

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