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1. Add products to your cart, enter products one at a time, or upload several products together with an excel file.<\/p>\n
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3. Click checkout to proceed or click search to look for more items.<\/p>\n
4. Any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.<\/p>\nEmail:","quick order entry tips":"Enter the catalog number and quantity for each product you would like to order (100 products max).","quick order upload tips":"Enter product information into the template provided (350 products max.), then upload the template file.The products will be automatically added to your cart. For fastest loading, upload 50 products in one file. You can upload multiple files if needed.","manual entry":"Manual Entry","bulk upload":"Bulk Upload","add or minus items":"Add or Minus Items","catalog number (required)":"Catalog number (required)","product name":"Product name","upload file":"Upload File","upload a xls file":"Upload a xls File","fill in the xls file":"Fill in the xls file","section %s specification error":"Section %s Specification Error","search by name or number":"name or number","verification code":"Capcha","in distribution":"Picking","already shipped":"Shipped"});